cuffgod (Samuel Letnik) is an artist and designer who specializes in creative direction and product ideation, but playing before all else. With roots in photography as well as in fashion design, Samuel’s creativity is not confined to a single medium, but is spread out amongst many, with taste (sometimes good, others not so much) as his main guide. Predominantly intrigued by the way we interact with, relate to, and appreciate all sorts of design at different levels, it is Sam's main goal to spark an interest in the arts in everyone around him- from his Dad to strangers in his tiktok comment section (and everyone in between). With a true belief in creativity as a muscle, Sam sets out on every creative journey with a sense of playfulness and desire to show beauty in the process (it's not all about the finished painting as much as it is having fun getting paint all over your clothes).

Samuel studied the Creative Industries at Toronto Metropolitan University in Toronto, Ontario, focusing on fashion and visual culture. He also completed a minor in Psychology which helps in his understanding of how deep a role design plays in our everyday well-being, and how we can use art to be happier.

To contact cuffgod for "business" inquiries or to set up a playdate:

Samuel also lives with Type 1 Diabetes, and does a lot of work with various charities to empower and educate others living with the same disease. He aims to return to school in 2024 to attain a degree in Social Work to further his abilities in doing so.